It is all about cooking ...
I have been busy these days designing a new website with a few of my good friends in our spare times. Can you guess the subject of the website? Yes, of course it’s all about cooking. The address is which is supposed to remind you of the story of 1001 nights but each night with a new recipe. Besides Persian cuisine and Iranian foods, we have decided to try a variety of recipes mainly from the fusion of Persian and North American cuisines and sometimes European (mostly French and Italian). Finally I found a way to peruse my passion for cooking.
Hi Naviddddd, Nima and I are working on a very special recipe FOR YOUR WEBSITE.
we can sell that to you guys. it only cost
1 milion $. :)))))))
salam navid june shinguleeee man, merci az tabriket, be omide didar >:D<
سلام بر نوید زبیری
عرض ادب یک بیل کلنگی قدیمی رو بپذیر
دیروز یادت افتادم، خیلی، اسمت رو که به فارسی جستجو کردم چیزی تقریبا نیومد ولی به انگلیسی، خود گوگل پیشنهاد داد!
یادم افتاد این همون نویدیه که یه زمان اولین سرچ انجین "فارسی" رو ساخت!
روزگاره دیگه!
خوشحال شدم پیدات کردم
زود از پیش ما رفتی
ولی ما به یادت هستیم نویدخان
Salam Navid ,
Emrooz yadet oftadam goftam ye salami arz konim .
Mehdi Hanifeh / Fanni sale avval
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salaam webloge zibaei darid
ba ejaze linketoon kardam...
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